

Verified 5 photosA free spirit with an open mind

Here finally we have none other than Judy, and she is South American. She likes color Maroon. Her hobbies include Baking and more Painting. She loves a delicious plate of French Fries along with some Float to help it all down. Three of her favorite sex positions include Pretzel Dip, Reverse Cowgirl, Lap Dance. Bed-wise, she loves to be submissive.

Judy normally entertains from Pieta, she can arrange traveling within 15 miles. You will need to confirm this with her one-on-one.

Judy is South American and she operates from Pieta. She's very much into Lap dance Oral sex in public places Soaping each other Erotic massage Wax play

Gender Female
Age 24 years young
Hair Brunette
Chest D plus
Weight About 49kg
Height Around 154cm
General availablity Day and night
Incall rates 30 minutes €120
45 minutes €140
1 hour €200
2 hours €350
Overnight €600
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